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CSS-in-JS: Performance Considerations and Why It’s Worth the Hype

Avanya Wadhwa
Frontend Engineer
September 24, 2024

As web development evolves, so do the tools and methodologies developers use to keep up with modern demands. One such innovation is CSS-in-JS, a technique that enables developers to write CSS styles directly within JavaScript files. This approach brings a whole new level of flexibility and control to styling, particularly in component-based frameworks like React and Vue. But with this power comes responsibility—performance remains a key consideration. In this blog, we’ll dive into the performance implications of CSS-in-JS, why it’s popular, and how to maximize its benefits while minimizing potential drawbacks.

What is CSS-in-JS, and Why Should You Care?

At its core, CSS-in-JS allows developers to define CSS rules inside JavaScript components, tightly coupling styles with logic. This solves several issues that arise with traditional CSS, such as global namespace collisions and difficulty in maintaining large-scale projects. By localizing styles to components, CSS-in-JS encourages modularity and reduces the likelihood of style conflicts.

For example, in a large e-commerce platform with multiple developers, global CSS files can quickly become a tangled mess of overlapping styles. Using CSS-in-JS, you can scope styles directly to the ProductCard component, ensuring that the styling won’t interfere with other parts of the application.

Performance: The Double-Edged Sword of CSS-in-JS

CSS-in-JS introduces several powerful features, but it can also introduce performance challenges if not used carefully. Here’s a breakdown of the key considerations:

1. Runtime Overhead

Unlike traditional CSS, which is parsed and cached by the browser, CSS-in-JS requires styles to be generated on the fly. This happens at runtime, which can lead to performance bottlenecks, particularly in large applications with complex components. JavaScript has to evaluate and inject styles dynamically, which adds a layer of computation that can slow down page rendering.

Example: Suppose you have a dashboard with multiple widgets, each with its own set of dynamic styles based on user preferences. With CSS-in-JS, every time the user switches themes or resizes the window, the styles for each widget need to be recalculated and injected. This can create noticeable lags, especially on low-powered devices.

2. Initial Load and FOUC

One major concern with CSS-in-JS is the potential for a Flash of Unstyled Content (FOUC) during the initial page load. Since styles are injected dynamically, they may not be available immediately when the HTML is rendered. This can lead to a brief moment where users see unstyled content. While server-side rendering (SSR) can help alleviate this issue by pre-rendering styles, careful planning is required to optimize the initial load time.

Example: Consider an online news site built with React, where articles are loaded dynamically based on user interaction. Without proper SSR, users might briefly see an unstyled article page before the JavaScript finishes injecting the styles, creating a jarring experience.

3. Memory Consumption

Each component styled with CSS-in-JS generates its own style object, which can lead to increased memory usage. When hundreds of components are rendered, this can become a significant issue, potentially slowing down the entire application. Efficient caching and purging of unused styles are crucial to keeping memory usage under control.

Example: Imagine building a complex social media platform where users can infinitely scroll through posts. Each post component may have unique dynamic styles (e.g., for themes or reactions). Without proper memory management, the app could slow down after a long browsing session due to the accumulation of unpurged styles.

4. Specificity and Style Recalculation

CSS-in-JS often generates styles with unique class names, which increases specificity and can complicate the browser’s rendering engine. High specificity can hinder the browser’s ability to optimize and cache styles, leading to more frequent recalculations. This could impact the performance of complex applications where styles change dynamically.

Example: In a task management app, if each task item has a dynamically generated class name for styling purposes (e.g., task_completed_abcd1234), the browser will need to repeatedly recalculate these styles when the user interacts with tasks (e.g., marking them complete). Over time, these recalculations can degrade performance, especially on complex pages.

Why CSS-in-JS is Still Worth the Hype

Despite these challenges, CSS-in-JS remains incredibly popular for several reasons:

  1. Component-Scoped Styles : One of the primary benefits is scoping styles to components, which eliminates the global CSS namespace problem. Styles are no longer susceptible to unintentional overrides, making large projects more maintainable.
  1. Dynamic Styling: CSS-in-JS makes it easy to apply dynamic styles based on props, states, or theme changes. This is particularly useful for highly interactive and themeable applications.
  1. Developer Experience: The developer experience is greatly improved due to the tight integration with JavaScript. You can define conditional styles, access theme objects, and even leverage JavaScript logic to compute styles—all within the same file as your component.
  1. Modularity and Reusability: CSS-in-JS encourages a modular approach to both styles and components. This modularity makes it easier to build reusable components that encapsulate their behavior and appearance in one place.
  1. Tooling and Ecosystem: The tooling around CSS-in-JS continues to evolve, with libraries like Styled Components, Emotion, and Stitches improving performance through server-side rendering, static extraction, and efficient caching.

Maximizing the Benefits of CSS-in-JS

To leverage CSS-in-JS without sacrificing performance, here are a few best practices:

•Server-Side Rendering (SSR): Use SSR to minimize FOUC and ensure that styles are injected before the page is rendered.

•Static Extraction: Some libraries, like Emotion and Styled Components, offer static extraction of CSS at build time, reducing runtime overhead.

•Efficient Caching: Implement caching strategies to prevent redundant recalculations and reduce memory consumption.

•Conditional Styling: Avoid overusing dynamic styles that change frequently during the app lifecycle. Instead, conditionally apply classes or styles only when necessary.


CSS-in-JS has proven to be a powerful tool for modern web development, offering a flexible, component-based approach to styling. While there are performance considerations to be mindful of, with proper optimization techniques, the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. By understanding the trade-offs and applying best practices, you can build highly performant, maintainable applications that take full advantage of CSS-in-JS.

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