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The Essential Code Review Best Practices for Quality Software Development

Code Review
Sujay Shetty
Backend Engineer
October 1, 2024

Greetings, fellow programmers! Ever submitted code for review and felt that knot in your stomach, wondering what your teammates might think? Or maybe you've been on the other side, staring at a massive pull request, thinking, "Where the heck do I even start?" Don't worry, you're not alone in this. Code reviews can be a real pain, but they don't have to be. When done right, they can actually be pretty awesome for personal growth and team bonding.

So, grab a coffee (or your beverage of choice), and let's dive into some real-world tips to make code reviews less of a chore and more of an opportunity to level up!

1. Start with Clear Objectives

Before diving into a review, it's crucial to understand what you're aiming to achieve. Are you focusing on finding bugs, improving code readability, ensuring adherence to architectural patterns, or sharing knowledge among team members? Ideally, a code review should encompass all these aspects to ensure comprehensive quality assurance.

In a project I worked on, our code reviews were inconsistent because we hadn't clearly defined our objectives. Some reviewers concentrated solely on syntax and formatting, others focused on the underlying logic, and a few emphasized performance optimizations. This scattered approach led to gaps in our review process and varying standards across the codebase.

To address this, we established a set of clear, comprehensive objectives for our code reviews:

  • Bug Detection: Identify and fix defects early in the development cycle.
  • Code Readability: Ensure the code is easy to understand and maintain.
  • Architectural Compliance: Verify that the code adheres to our established architectural patterns and design principles.
  • Performance Optimization: Assess whether the code meets our performance benchmarks.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Facilitate the exchange of ideas and best practices among team members.

By outlining these objectives, we provided reviewers with a clear framework to follow. This holistic approach ensured that all critical aspects of the code were evaluated, leading to more consistent and effective reviews. Additionally, it helped new team members understand what was expected during the review process, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and collaboration.

2. Establish and Follow Team Guidelines

Having a set of agreed-upon coding standards and guidelines helps minimize subjective opinions and streamlines the review process.

I remember when our team spent hours debating indentation styles and naming conventions during reviews. To avoid this, we created a comprehensive style guide that covered everything from file naming to error handling. With this guide in place, we could focus on more substantive issues during reviews.

3. Keep Reviews Small and Manageable

Large pull requests can be overwhelming and increase the chance of missing important issues. Aim for smaller, incremental changes.

A colleague once submitted a pull request that included changes to multiple modules and thousands of lines of code. Reviewing it was a nightmare, and we ended up missing a critical bug. After that experience, we agreed to limit our pull requests to changes that could be reviewed in under an hour, improving both the quality and speed of our reviews.

4. Utilize Automated Tools

Automate repetitive tasks like style checking and basic error detection to free up reviewers for more complex issues.

We integrated linters and static analysis tools into our CI pipeline. These tools caught syntax errors and style inconsistencies automatically, reducing the number of trivial comments in reviews. This allowed us to focus on logic, architecture, and potential bugs that automation couldn't catch.

5. Be Nice (But Honest)

Remember, there's a human on the other side of that code. How you give feedback can make or break someone's day (and potentially your working relationship).

Instead of saying, "This function is poorly written," you might say, "Have you considered using a map here instead of a list? It could improve the lookup performance." This approach encourages dialogue and shows that you're interested in helping improve the code, not criticizing the person.

6. Make Reviews a Positive Experience

Nobody likes feeling like they're being put on trial every time they submit code. Try to create an environment where feedback is seen as a team effort to make the code better, not as a personal attack.

One thing that worked well for us was making a point to highlight the good stuff during reviews. Comments like "Love how you handled this edge case!" or "This error logging is spot on" can go a long way in making the whole process more positive. When people feel appreciated, they're way more open to hearing about areas where they can improve.

7. Respect People's Time

We're all busy, right? So be prompt with your reviews and keep your comments on point.

In our team, we have a 24-hour rule for code reviews. If you can't get to it in that time, you let the team know so someone else can step in. It keeps things moving and prevents that dreaded "waiting for review" bottleneck.

8. Learn From Each Other

Every code review is a chance to learn something new. Whether you're the reviewer or the author, keep an open mind.

Here's an example: We were working on a NestJS project, and one of my teammates had this service class that was doing way too much - it was handling business logic and database stuff all in one big mess. During the review, I suggested splitting it up: move the database interactions into a separate repository class and keep the business logic in the service. We also talked about using dependency injection more effectively to keep things loosely coupled.Not only did this make our code easier to test and maintain, but it also sparked a great discussion about software architecture. Win-win!

9. Consider the Bigger Picture

Understand the context of the changes and how they fit into the overall project.

In one review, a developer optimised a function for speed, but it made the code less readable and harder to maintain. We discussed the trade-offs and decided that in this case, maintainability was more important than micro optimisations. Keeping the broader project goals in mind helped us make the right decision.

10. Continuously Improve the Process

Regularly reflect on your code review practices and seek ways to enhance them.

We held monthly retrospectives focused on our development processes, including code reviews. We discovered that some team members felt hesitant to provide critical feedback. To address this, we established guidelines encouraging honest and respectful communication, which improved the effectiveness of our reviews.

Bringing It All Together

Code reviews are more than just a checkpoint in the development process; they're a vital tool for improving code quality, fostering team collaboration, and facilitating personal growth. By adopting these best practices, you can make code reviews a positive and productive experience.

Remember, the goal isn't just to find bugs or enforce coding standards—it's to work together to create the best possible product while supporting each other's growth as developers.

So next time you participate in a code review, embrace it as an opportunity to learn, teach, and collaborate. Happy coding and happy reviewing!

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